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Act Now: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan Will Provide $34.4 Billion To Help Communities Fund and Finance Modern Schools

Efforts are underway in Washington D.C. to help local communities finance modern schools. Congress is proposing $34.4 billion for grants and bonds to fund and finance School Construction and Modernization. Congress is working on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. 

$14 billion for a new School Modernization and Repair program is included in the proposal just released by the House Appropriations Committee. The House school modernization program will be based on the 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act passed by the House of Representatives in 2008.

The Appropriations Committee recommendation for school modernization is included as part of the Education for the 21st Century section of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act package which provides:

  • NEW School Modernization and Repair Program - $14 billion
  • Education Technology program - $1 billion
  • Higher education modernization -$6 billion

Ways and Means Committee: $20.4 Billion for School Construction Bonds

House Ways and Means Committee Chair Charles Rangel released the tax provisions of the economic recovery package including provisions of the America’s Better Classrooms Act which will provide $20.4 billion in financing for school construction bonds.  The Ways and Means Committee takes up the legislation on January 22.  

What You Can Do

Congress is working with the Obama Administration on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan.  $34.4 billion in funding for school grants and financing for tax credit bonds are now part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment plan under consideration for final action.  Please join Rebuild America’s Schools effort to achieve federal funding and financing for school modernization.

Contact and ask your Member of Congress and Senators to support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan and the grants and bonds to fund and finance school construction, modernization, repairs and renovations.

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